Spotlight: Charles Steelman

Jun 1, 2023

Q: Tell us about yourself! -How long have you worked at Kitestring? -What is your position?
A: 9 years consecutively, almost 12 total. I’m a developer with Walmart Point of Sale.


Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
A: Making and mending; I dabble in woodworking and 3d printing, and landscaping, among other things.


Q: Tell us how you started down your career path. -Were you influenced by anyone?
A: Generally, I had an aptitude for computers so that’s what I studied in school. It turned out that programming was another way of making things.
I’m sure there have been many, but I might as well mention our very own Randy Doughty, who’s given me a great deal of insight and inspiration when it comes to our trade.


Q: What are some of your favorite things about living and working in Northwest Arkansas?
A: I’m a native here so it’s mostly just home. Fall, Winter and Spring can all be lovely, and as the area has grown it’s developed some real nice amenities – parks, museums, and venues.


Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing since joining Kitestring?
A: Nothing particularly, everything generally. There have been a lot of projects over the years, and we’ve solved them consistently, with quality and thoughtfulness.


Q: What’s one thing – either industry-related or not – you learned in the last month?
A: I learned how to automate build and deployment to GitHub pages.


Q: Where is your favorite destination you’ve visited, and why?
A: There are many, most of them in England, so broadly I’d say England. Picking one of many, I’d say Stourhead, a Palladian landscape garden.


Q: What, if anything, are you currently binge-watching? Or reading?
A:  I’m watching the latest Season of Taskmaster, a British show where comedians are challenged to complete ludicrous tasks. I’m also slowly working through the Gormenghast series by Mervyn Peake.


Q: What is your favorite part of working at our company?
A: Focus on people, company growth, and community.